Monday, 7 December 2009
Brendan Dawes
Brendan Dawes is a designer and works a lot with interactive webdesign which ivites people to use websites in a new way. Dawes and his co workers in Magnetnorth (webdesign company) wants to break bounderies and create something new, as they work a lot with flash, they can create somthing that are more 3D and more interactive with the user than the normal webpage you would find.
I really like Brendan Dawes for what he worked with, I found it really interesting and he was such a good person as well. Dawes got some unusual methods to prove his point as well which I really liked in his lecture. MagnetNorth has worked with the BBC and Diesel with their websites. I can't get on the their website, I need to download flash, thats I don't like about flash, got it at home though as all the facebook games are made in flash and you need flash to use them. I'm downloading it now, we'll see how it goes. It didn't go that well unfortunately, I needed some kind of administrative priviledges. Dawes got his own website as well, I found his project Cinema Redux that he talked about in his lecture, really good that he got to exhibit it in modern museum in NY.
The Conversation (1974, Francis Ford Coppola)
Saturday, 5 December 2009
This blog.
I have already written a few lines about Ian Anderson so a guess it is only fare to do the same about Anab Jain. I finding this women interesting, She is working with design that makes people interact with each other. This is very important in my opinion as people today lives in their own little bubble, Their home base, social circle and surroundings. We are suspicious about other human beings and as Wayne Hemingway pointed out in his lecture when he showed a sign placed in a public space that said "Say NO to strangers".
Anab Jain is an Indian artist, educated in India, Vienna and London and have now got 7 years of experience in different areas, film making, research and design. She is the founder Superflux a new "think and do" design company that working with the intersection of people and technology.
One of her projects was to share her internet with neighbors and strangers that walked past her house. Jain sat a yellow chair under a sign that explained that they could use her WiFi for free on the yellow chair. This is a test towards people's close mindedness, thinking probably that there was some kind of catch to this as it is not common to walk by a yellow chair that offers them FREE internet. Also a experiment to bring people together and to research the reactions this brought on.
Monday, 30 November 2009
Doug Fishbone
Doug Fishbone is an american artist that lives and works in London. Fishbone held a really strong presentation of his work. He came across like a stand-up comic kind of way and had a series of pictures taken from google to complement his speach, to tell a story, a narrative. subverting advertisement to something really bizarre.
I thought his point about taking a sculpture by Jeff Koons out of context, by taking it to a less developed country that has no idea about balloon sculptures or stainless steel as a material. How these people would think and reflect about such an object.
I really liked his banana project as well, the concept was great. This is Fishbones most famous art project. He piled up up to 40.000 bananas at most in different public spaces national and international in 2002. This is clearly dealing with the issues of the consumer society and globalization.
One of Fishbones other works I really liked is where he employed a Arab American actor to sit without any expressions in a cage in the gallery space while the visitors were just walking around watching the art in the gallery. This is a really strong statement. This is a protest against the war and how western people now looks at this people. I saw Presepolis yesterday and have read the book as well and It surly can't be easy to be seen as a terrorist wherever one goes. It isn't easy to come in to a new country and life in the first place.
I got pics and some info here
People need to be more open minded about art and take in the concept and the meaning of the art work instead of dismissing it because of how it's made.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Doug Fishbone
This lecture was really interesting, even though I really thought it was going to be Jermey Deller who held the lecture. I have been into blackboard today to check who was having the lecture so I could write about it in advance. Eventhough I only had time to write a couple of lines about the guy. So half way through the lecture me and my mate discover that it's not Jermey Deller becaus he is british and this guy is american (and dealing with other issues and in other mediums). Confusion. Blackboard, changed info in last minute. Well atleast it was a very interesting lecture.
I'm going to write more about the lecture at a better time.
Ian Anderson, Jermey Deller
I unfortunately I couln't attend Ian Anderson's lecture last wednesday. I have talked to some of my mates that attended and they had mixed reviews. What I first thought of hearing his name was that his surname is really common in Sweden. I had no idea who this guy was.
Now after a bit of research I know that he is an graphic designer, That worked within TDR (the design republic)
Anderson has helped develop the PS game Wip3out (Witch one of my housemates love.) He has been working with labels as coca cola and others.
This is quite breif about him as I'm stressing to go to the library before the 4 a clock lecture with Jermey Deller witch I'm really looking forward to.
Deller won the Turner Prize 2004 for his installation memory bucket(2003).
I have put the label socio political on Deller after looking at his webpage. His art is a very strong protest against the war in Iraq. He is using performance and installation as his mediums.
This was also breif, writing more after the lecture.
See you there.
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Wayne Hemingway
Hemingway and his wife Gerardine developed the fashion label Red or dead, this happend after he decided to sell of his then girlfriend, now wife Gerardines clothes on the camden market. It was then clear to him that the fashoin buisness brought alot of money.
The label Red or Dead ended up winning the prestigious British Fashoin Council's Streetstyle Designer of the year Award for 3 years in a row (1996, 1997 and 1998.)
The label were to find in Top man and Topshop the vision for the label was to make a change on the fashoin scene. To break down the elitist barrier that characterised the designer fashion industry.
After 21 seasons they sold the label for a multi million amount.
After they sold Red and Dead the grounded HemingwayDesigns which specializes in affordable and social design. This is mostly housing project. HemingwayDesign is ivolved in master planning, architecture to landscaping and marketing through out the projects. The highest profile The Staiths Souht Bank, a 800 property massmarket housing project on Tyneside for George Wimpey Homes.
So that was a bit of fact about what Wayne Hemingway does, He also has alot of other projects going. To be honest I am Jealous of his energy and maybe his creativity. Maybe because I'm abit on the low now on the Idea department.
It's going to be well interesting to hear him speak today, as he is doing so much I almost couln't grasp it.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Uni work.
I am building three big rabbits in my livingroom. I feel so stressed, can't understand why the semesters are so short. I'm going home to sweden the 21th dec, and have to wait until the 23 dec to see my mates because thats the dates they all off for christmas. My assesment date is 7 dec. Not to mention that my swedish friends starts a month before us aswell.
Well well I guess there is no need to complain as this was my idea. Ha, just need to stress down and start getting stuff out of the way.
Right now it's looking quite good in the timeplan.
Posting some pictures when it's starting to look like something.
Hoppas allt är bra hemma. saknar er alla. puss och kram från Pernilla.
David Shrigley
I did some research about Shrigley before the lecture. I found him really interesting, humorous and kind of ironic towards the contemporary art scene. Shrigleys works in a variety of mediums, drawing, photo, sculpture and animations. His drawings are very simple, some text based.
I love an artists that obviously loves what he is doing and come up with new refresching themes in his work.
I really like his sculptures i do. very naive, and simple punch lining as his other works.
I'm dead
This is his website.
Merlin James Lecture
The lecture with Merlin James was quite a disapointment. I was looking forward to hear what and how he had become the artist he is today, the story along the way. It turned out like a art history lecture, which i wasn't prepered for. I would have brought coffee.
Though I'm not saying it was bad lecture, only a bit boring.
It was good that he talked about other ways to make a living when having a degree in fine art. Even though I never will be a art critic, I'm really having a hard time criticising art.
If you have the qualities to be able to be an art critic thats prbobly well good.
He talked for so long though. I wish I Had a dictaphone, becuase I did stop making notes as frequently as in the beginning of the lecture.
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Merlin James
I have been reaserching about Merlin James. I can't remember if I've come across any of his work before. I have a lack of understanding for abstact art, it is important to be open minded and get inspiration from all kind of expressions in art. I try to find something that can inspire and help me in my own practise.
Merlin James
His work is abstract, illusionistic and quite melancholic. It's interesting how dreamlike his paintings are, his seascape series I actually like. He is experimental in his painting, using palettknife to get a interesting suface. He also uses mixed medias to make a 3D impression to the paintings.
I Wrote this before the Merlin James lecture. I feel quite bad as I've had it as a draft for so long.
coming back to you about my thoughts about the lecture.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Practice discourse 1
I find this course very exciting, I'm looking forward to the lectures. Most of all I'm looking forward to the David Shrigley lecture. I'm working with sculpture in mixed media this year and I find Shrigleys sculptures really interesting.
Friday, 18 September 2009
Verkligheter har återvänt.
Nu är sommarn slut. Efter 4 månaders kaotiskt fleng och sparsam ledighet har skolan börjat. Jag har ägnat de senaste veckorna åt att krångla med csn. Nu är allt klart och betalt. Jag räknar med tillfällig rikedom från och med måndag. Det här verkar bli ett kul fast hektiskt år, jag ser fram emot det.
Igår var jag pa vernissage på Ceri hand gallery med Anthony. Installation och performance av Bedwyr Williams, utställning Nimrod.
Utslällningns hallen var
förvanlad till en bizarr flygplats, med landningsbanor målade på golvet och fulländat med terminal och garage för planen. I taket svävade flygplan tillvärkade av skateboards och promenadkäppar i olika nivåer.
En installation som beskrev en av hans mardrömmar. Fantastiskt tyckte jag det var, med rokmaskiner, gratis öl & vin och roligt folk.
Ikväll ska vi gå och titta pa Antos band på en ny club. Det ska nog bli trevligt även fast jag inte känner mig sarskilt party.
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
My notebook for both modules semester 2.
Today is the last day. I am ill and need to go to a doctor later today to get some medicine. not the right timing...
Any who it was a while a go I wrote here... everything has gone as planned and im packing it all up now to take to the studio in a bit. Nervous to make errors... hope I've gotten everything right... I know how I can be. Hope for the best. Victory.
Any who it was a while a go I wrote here... everything has gone as planned and im packing it all up now to take to the studio in a bit. Nervous to make errors... hope I've gotten everything right... I know how I can be. Hope for the best. Victory.
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Kirsty Whiten
HI. Assesment soon. A bit stressed now, waking up far to early every morning panicing about doing more work.
Yesterday I fixed my rodent, thats good. Today they gonna get sprayed and maybe get all done woopwoop.
Here are some narre art.
Yesterday I fixed my rodent, thats good. Today they gonna get sprayed and maybe get all done woopwoop.
Here are some narre art.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Ye, I have all my skulptures at home with me. Disaster, the sad rodent's head explodet into three peices in the kiln. :(
But I can fix him with karlssons klister and some spackel.
here are some pics of the process.
So yeah, I just need to figure out if I want to put a layer of clear lac on it or if I want it likte that.
then the bed and all that. Gonna make it tomorrow.
Bye bye.
But I can fix him with karlssons klister and some spackel.
here are some pics of the process.
So yeah, I just need to figure out if I want to put a layer of clear lac on it or if I want it likte that.
then the bed and all that. Gonna make it tomorrow.
Bye bye.
Friday, 3 April 2009
Im done with my essay wooopwooop! Gonna go hand it in now. Feels like im off for summer... though I have alot to do before the assesment. But only fun stuff that Im looking forward to so Thats great me!
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
paus in essay writing.
Well im almost done now, just 39 words left. It's weird if i cant get it done today, its like a block in my head you know...
Oh I hope for my sculptures to go in to the kiln tomorrow, as ive been looking for Keith two days now, when he's back. Need them before easter.
Think I've found a textile shop as well, gonna go look tomorrow.
Oh I hope for my sculptures to go in to the kiln tomorrow, as ive been looking for Keith two days now, when he's back. Need them before easter.
Think I've found a textile shop as well, gonna go look tomorrow.
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
I really cant koncentrate on my essay.. im almost done..
But I can't be asked. I feel like an old lady.
It's so great that its spring here. In sweden my dad shovelled snow for 45 minits hahaha. no I feel sorry for my dad but its good that im here and not being scared for my life everyday on me way to school (not to mentioned late everyday cause of the snow) and all the other negative stuff that comes with snow.
men jag saknar alla dar hemma jatte mycket. Min skadegladje kan ej hjalpa att skratta.
Jag lar val satta fart med diverse skolarbete nu.
I'm gonna crack on with le work.
But I can't be asked. I feel like an old lady.
It's so great that its spring here. In sweden my dad shovelled snow for 45 minits hahaha. no I feel sorry for my dad but its good that im here and not being scared for my life everyday on me way to school (not to mentioned late everyday cause of the snow) and all the other negative stuff that comes with snow.
men jag saknar alla dar hemma jatte mycket. Min skadegladje kan ej hjalpa att skratta.
Jag lar val satta fart med diverse skolarbete nu.
I'm gonna crack on with le work.
Monday, 23 March 2009
Könsopererad ren,
Alright. Today I poped in to uni for a couple of hours to try to get my rodents done. Not a living soul down there, not even Keith. I went home and started to paint on that painting I was gonna get started on, well it turned out as a self potrait.
here it is.. isn't really finished yet as u see on the pic.
Jag skams lite for den solbranda underkroppen och de mongolida tanderna samt ogonen.
Kanske kommer en battre bild man vet ju aldrig.
here it is.. isn't really finished yet as u see on the pic.
Jag skams lite for den solbranda underkroppen och de mongolida tanderna samt ogonen.
Kanske kommer en battre bild man vet ju aldrig.
Saturday, 21 March 2009
So my essay is booooring. can't really get good arguments and thoughts down on paper sooo. I'll do it tomorrow instead.
Now im gonna start on a painting, don't know how it's gonna look like yet. I always have a clear idea.
Trippel snark vad trokigt jag har. Det kanske ar varldens samsta skit pa tv och inte en pers i hushallet. bara jag och svinen.
Roligt hoho. Dock tillagade jag en riktigt smakfull tacos paj. Ni ska veta paron att lill clas kan.
Now im gonna start on a painting, don't know how it's gonna look like yet. I always have a clear idea.
Trippel snark vad trokigt jag har. Det kanske ar varldens samsta skit pa tv och inte en pers i hushallet. bara jag och svinen.
Roligt hoho. Dock tillagade jag en riktigt smakfull tacos paj. Ni ska veta paron att lill clas kan.
Friday, 20 March 2009
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Still don't have enough will power for my own good. I have got stuff done, two sculpures in two days. Fun that, clay. Have never had a clear idea of what to do in ceramics though. I think I can get pretty much done until easter anyways.. enough so I don't feel ashamed anyway!
gonna post pictures on my two weird creations.
Today is a dark day. I really need to get started for real on that essay.. So Im just gonna start writing up ideas and stuff so I can form it up before I really start to write the body of the paper...
gonna try i bit more structured way to write the paper now. I think it will work better for me that way.
also I moved all my stuff from the studio caus I reckon i won't be there so much caus I need to be at the ceramics studio as much as I can. I have built up i studio in my flat instead... its a mess.
gonna post pictures on my two weird creations.
Today is a dark day. I really need to get started for real on that essay.. So Im just gonna start writing up ideas and stuff so I can form it up before I really start to write the body of the paper...
gonna try i bit more structured way to write the paper now. I think it will work better for me that way.
also I moved all my stuff from the studio caus I reckon i won't be there so much caus I need to be at the ceramics studio as much as I can. I have built up i studio in my flat instead... its a mess.
Friday, 13 March 2009
Trippel snark
Ar val ratta ordet. Jag ar nu pa vag till keramiken, har noll, noll noll motivation. Kan mycket val bero pa att jag sov sa taskigt inatt. Kanske for att vi var ute och svangde lite igar ocksa, trots ovilja.
Jag har en lustigkurre till keramiklarare. Vi har gemensamma bekanta svenskar det ar kul.
Jag antar att jag borde rora pa flasket. Hade ju glomt bort hur skojj det var med lera. Snabbt som attan. vilket ar bra pga att jag har begransad tid.
Ok. have to go to uni now.
Jag har en lustigkurre till keramiklarare. Vi har gemensamma bekanta svenskar det ar kul.
Jag antar att jag borde rora pa flasket. Hade ju glomt bort hur skojj det var med lera. Snabbt som attan. vilket ar bra pga att jag har begransad tid.
Ok. have to go to uni now.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Havnt got a move on today caus of personal stuff... have been thinking alot about my 1001 module, I havnt really decided fully on what exactly im gonna do for it. I do want to do ceramics. Dont know if there is enough time left though... If I cant be there on easterbreak... whats that good for? who cares about easter? haha.. No but I really need to be there on easter break in order to get enough work done...
otherwise I just gonna do what I first was thinking of doin for the 1010...
Felt like I needed to asure myself with writing it down, its gonna be alright.
I am a stressed person. It feels like im late to the train but i cant run... weird feeling. I wish i didnr worry so much.
Any who.
This is Frida Fjellman which is one of my favorite sculptures.
otherwise I just gonna do what I first was thinking of doin for the 1010...
Felt like I needed to asure myself with writing it down, its gonna be alright.
I am a stressed person. It feels like im late to the train but i cant run... weird feeling. I wish i didnr worry so much.
Any who.
This is Frida Fjellman which is one of my favorite sculptures.
Tag mig till havet.
I'm writing my new statements of intent... quite confusing. At least get that done today.
Looking at a great painter right now, Natalia Fabia. The pictures comes from her new show Hooker dreamescape.
Looking at a great painter right now, Natalia Fabia. The pictures comes from her new show Hooker dreamescape.
Monday, 9 March 2009
This morning.
I woke up, was a bit stressed out caus I thought my man was gonna miss his taxi. Then when he left I just didnt wanted to go to uni. I finally went, good that caus the lecture I needed was today.
Its been one of the worst days though... not even my chocolate taste good.
I guess I feel a bit of the old homesickness... I miss my loved ones.
It gets better.
So I was at the libarary to check out some books, almost lost my bag with important paper and stuff caus my head wasnt working properly.
Did not find the books.
Started on painting on a hipperson today. Heard that it looked like a toad.
Now I'm not gonna sit here no more.
Its been one of the worst days though... not even my chocolate taste good.
I guess I feel a bit of the old homesickness... I miss my loved ones.
It gets better.
So I was at the libarary to check out some books, almost lost my bag with important paper and stuff caus my head wasnt working properly.
Did not find the books.
Started on painting on a hipperson today. Heard that it looked like a toad.
Now I'm not gonna sit here no more.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Friday, 6 March 2009
I'm so slow, its almost ridicules. Having a lazy period. This weekend I'm gonna try to get far into my essay so I'm not getting to stressed out about that. Next week, (this was supposed to be done this week) I'm gonna go do some ceramics. Hope that I have enough time for it.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
I'm so tired. I can't see myself getting on with anything today.
Have my tutorial 1.30 today. I brought all my stuff home with me thursday. Reckon I have to take it all back, cant really work that well at home. Done a bit progress. Maybe.
Iguess I have to get ready and leg it to uni before I fall asleep again.
I'm so tired. I can't see myself getting on with anything today.
Have my tutorial 1.30 today. I brought all my stuff home with me thursday. Reckon I have to take it all back, cant really work that well at home. Done a bit progress. Maybe.
Iguess I have to get ready and leg it to uni before I fall asleep again.
Friday, 27 February 2009
All right. I had my siminar review. Now im confused, don't really know what to do really for my 1010... thought it would be an easy way out the bodystudy thing. Instead i'm thinking about switching my 1001 projekt of fabelcreations (need to find a better name for it.) On the 1001 projekt im still gonna have my fabels, but 3D. Ceramics. Hope its just to go there and speak to the ceramics tutor, and start.
I'm not so worried... This is the more fun project anyway, maybe its easier to get work done instead of sitt and go crazy of that painting.
I have a quite good idea to do a series of small self potraits. I'll do this when there is time to do it, maybe in the summer.
to document the look on my face everytime somethings goes wrong. which is a lot. It is weird to allways have to think twice before you speak. (think in swedish, make sure it doesnt sound to stupied on english and then say it.) often it gets a bit weird, espesially when im nervous. So things doesnt allways go as I planned it.
Any who just thought maybe it would be interesting to se the expression the series of paintings have when its complete. Maybe it show just how confused and that I am as a person.
I'm not so worried... This is the more fun project anyway, maybe its easier to get work done instead of sitt and go crazy of that painting.
I have a quite good idea to do a series of small self potraits. I'll do this when there is time to do it, maybe in the summer.
to document the look on my face everytime somethings goes wrong. which is a lot. It is weird to allways have to think twice before you speak. (think in swedish, make sure it doesnt sound to stupied on english and then say it.) often it gets a bit weird, espesially when im nervous. So things doesnt allways go as I planned it.
Any who just thought maybe it would be interesting to se the expression the series of paintings have when its complete. Maybe it show just how confused and that I am as a person.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Thursday, 19 February 2009
I am we todd it, I am sofa king we todd it.
This just maked me laugh.
Nothing to do with art though.
I got tierd of painting my Victor, that painting is in a stage that I start to really hate on it. That allways happens for me. So therefor I started to paint on my Laura Palmer. I dread to start with the hair though. Can destroy the whole thing(if my patience lack.)
I went to the library today, borrowed some books for the essay...
The essay questions are really horrible. Don't know which I'm gonna choose yet, so i've got some inspiration now.
Also I've been thinking about my dear old guest teacher Martina Münzing. She is amazing, gave me a lot of feed back and inspiration when I first discovered painting (in the way I'm using it now.) She made me go up in size and that really helped me.
This picture makes me wanna go home to buy me some sweets. It's a potrait of the chief executive on one of Swedens largest candy makers Malaco leaf (a part of the factory is located in my home town Gävle.) such cravings now.
Puss och kram ses på stan.
Nothing to do with art though.
I got tierd of painting my Victor, that painting is in a stage that I start to really hate on it. That allways happens for me. So therefor I started to paint on my Laura Palmer. I dread to start with the hair though. Can destroy the whole thing(if my patience lack.)
I went to the library today, borrowed some books for the essay...
The essay questions are really horrible. Don't know which I'm gonna choose yet, so i've got some inspiration now.
Also I've been thinking about my dear old guest teacher Martina Münzing. She is amazing, gave me a lot of feed back and inspiration when I first discovered painting (in the way I'm using it now.) She made me go up in size and that really helped me.
This picture makes me wanna go home to buy me some sweets. It's a potrait of the chief executive on one of Swedens largest candy makers Malaco leaf (a part of the factory is located in my home town Gävle.) such cravings now.
Puss och kram ses på stan.
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