Saturday, 5 December 2009

This blog.

I am really trying to write about every artists and my reflections from the lectures and such. I have unfortunately missed out on two of the visiting lectures, the first Ian Anderson and the second Anab Jain these are both designers but different in their areas of work.

I have already written a few lines about Ian Anderson so a guess it is only fare to do the same about Anab Jain. I finding this women interesting, She is working with design that makes people interact with each other. This is very important in my opinion as people today lives in their own little bubble, Their home base, social circle and surroundings. We are suspicious about other human beings and as Wayne Hemingway pointed out in his lecture when he showed a sign placed in a public space that said "Say NO to strangers".

Anab Jain is an Indian artist, educated in India, Vienna and London and have now got 7 years of experience in different areas, film making, research and design. She is the founder Superflux a new "think and do" design company that working with the intersection of people and technology.

One of her projects was to share her internet with neighbors and strangers that walked past her house. Jain sat a yellow chair under a sign that explained that they could use her WiFi for free on the yellow chair. This is a test towards people's close mindedness, thinking probably that there was some kind of catch to this as it is not common to walk by a yellow chair that offers them FREE internet. Also a experiment to bring people together and to research the reactions this brought on.

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