Monday, 30 November 2009

Doug Fishbone

Doug Fishbone is an american artist that lives and works in London. Fishbone held a really strong presentation of his work. He came across like a stand-up comic kind of way and had a series of pictures taken from google to complement his speach, to tell a story, a narrative. subverting advertisement to something really bizarre.

I thought his point about taking a sculpture by Jeff Koons out of context, by taking it to a less developed country that has no idea about balloon sculptures or stainless steel as a material. How these people would think and reflect about such an object.

I really liked his banana project as well, the concept was great. This is Fishbones most famous art project. He piled up up to 40.000 bananas at most in different public spaces national and international in 2002. This is clearly dealing with the issues of the consumer society and globalization.

One of Fishbones other works I really liked is where he employed a Arab American actor to sit without any expressions in a cage in the gallery space while the visitors were just walking around watching the art in the gallery. This is a really strong statement. This is a protest against the war and how western people now looks at this people. I saw Presepolis yesterday and have read the book as well and It surly can't be easy to be seen as a terrorist wherever one goes. It isn't easy to come in to a new country and life in the first place.
I got pics and some info here

People need to be more open minded about art and take in the concept and the meaning of the art work instead of dismissing it because of how it's made.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Doug Fishbone

This lecture was really interesting, even though I really thought it was going to be Jermey Deller who held the lecture. I have been into blackboard today to check who was having the lecture so I could write about it in advance. Eventhough I only had time to write a couple of lines about the guy. So half way through the lecture me and my mate discover that it's not Jermey Deller becaus he is british and this guy is american (and dealing with other issues and in other mediums). Confusion. Blackboard, changed info in last minute. Well atleast it was a very interesting lecture.

I'm going to write more about the lecture at a better time.


Ian Anderson, Jermey Deller

I unfortunately I couln't attend Ian Anderson's lecture last wednesday. I have talked to some of my mates that attended and they had mixed reviews. What I first thought of hearing his name was that his surname is really common in Sweden. I had no idea who this guy was.
Now after a bit of research I know that he is an graphic designer, That worked within TDR (the design republic)
Anderson has helped develop the PS game Wip3out (Witch one of my housemates love.) He has been working with labels as coca cola and others.

This is quite breif about him as I'm stressing to go to the library before the 4 a clock lecture with Jermey Deller witch I'm really looking forward to.

Deller won the Turner Prize 2004 for his installation memory bucket(2003).
I have put the label socio political on Deller after looking at his webpage. His art is a very strong protest against the war in Iraq. He is using performance and installation as his mediums.
This was also breif, writing more after the lecture.

See you there.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Wayne Hemingway

Hemingway seams to be a very active person, thats my first impression. I have been reading on his very informative website.

Hemingway and his wife Gerardine developed the fashion label Red or dead, this happend after he decided to sell of his then girlfriend, now wife Gerardines clothes on the camden market. It was then clear to him that the fashoin buisness brought alot of money.
The label Red or Dead ended up winning the prestigious British Fashoin Council's Streetstyle Designer of the year Award for 3 years in a row (1996, 1997 and 1998.)
The label were to find in Top man and Topshop the vision for the label was to make a change on the fashoin scene. To break down the elitist barrier that characterised the designer fashion industry.
After 21 seasons they sold the label for a multi million amount.

After they sold Red and Dead the grounded HemingwayDesigns which specializes in affordable and social design. This is mostly housing project. HemingwayDesign is ivolved in master planning, architecture to landscaping and marketing through out the projects. The highest profile The Staiths Souht Bank, a 800 property massmarket housing project on Tyneside for George Wimpey Homes.
So that was a bit of fact about what Wayne Hemingway does, He also has alot of other projects going. To be honest I am Jealous of his energy and maybe his creativity. Maybe because I'm abit on the low now on the Idea department.

It's going to be well interesting to hear him speak today, as he is doing so much I almost couln't grasp it.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Uni work.

I am building three big rabbits in my livingroom. I feel so stressed, can't understand why the semesters are so short. I'm going home to sweden the 21th dec, and have to wait until the 23 dec to see my mates because thats the dates they all off for christmas. My assesment date is 7 dec. Not to mention that my swedish friends starts a month before us aswell.
Well well I guess there is no need to complain as this was my idea. Ha, just need to stress down and start getting stuff out of the way.

Right now it's looking quite good in the timeplan.
Posting some pictures when it's starting to look like something.

Hoppas allt är bra hemma. saknar er alla. puss och kram från Pernilla.

David Shrigley

I did some research about Shrigley before the lecture. I found him really interesting, humorous and kind of ironic towards the contemporary art scene. Shrigleys works in a variety of mediums, drawing, photo, sculpture and animations. His drawings are very simple, some text based.
I love an artists that obviously loves what he is doing and come up with new refresching themes in his work.
I really like his sculptures i do. very naive, and simple punch lining as his other works.




I'm dead


This is his website.

Merlin James Lecture

The lecture with Merlin James was quite a disapointment. I was looking forward to hear what and how he had become the artist he is today, the story along the way. It turned out like a art history lecture, which i wasn't prepered for. I would have brought coffee.
Though I'm not saying it was bad lecture, only a bit boring.
It was good that he talked about other ways to make a living when having a degree in fine art. Even though I never will be a art critic, I'm really having a hard time criticising art.
If you have the qualities to be able to be an art critic thats prbobly well good.
He talked for so long though. I wish I Had a dictaphone, becuase I did stop making notes as frequently as in the beginning of the lecture.